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Tuesday 3 March 2009

The joy and how to find it ........

So......DJ Rules wraps his fingers around the cigarette paper and rolls his digits and mind to the rhythm of the joy and how to find it. You my friend will know the joy, its that moment when you hold an unknown wonderous melody, tune or bassline in your soul and melt and envelope within may only last seconds, if lucky minutes and if walking in big mans shoes perhaps a whole hour...but thats rare. I found it last week when discovering the Akron/Family album and the song Love is Simple (refrain) I placed the needle on the groove and that was it...THE JOY...I searched for two hours in the local record store for the joy yesterday...nothing. Single after single, album after album, going deeper and deeper and in the same process seemingly moving further and further away. The joy seems to hold no indicators, its seldom repeated by the same artist, you can look in elusive corners and its behind you in the 50p singles, its in your friends sisters collection whilst your talking with her brother about the latest nu folk release, it sneaks up with no calling as you flick and dig and then BANG ...the JOY...

It came today in its usual innocuous slightly bemuddled manner...I had noticed a record with a bright orange sleeve sitting on the floor behind the counter at piccadilly records. It had been there for the past two weeks sat in the same place just out of clear vision. Bright orange, on the floor, watching me. And it happened, a simple sentence...."whats that on the floor" a simply reply "Oh thats some weird secret promo thing we had in, had lots of them but they all went quick dont really know why thats still there" an exchange of looks built up over the past 20 years ..."Do you want to listen to it" needle...record and JOY JOY JOY ...

So dear listener DJ Rules invites you to share this new JOY on the next show Im sure you will share my delight and until then keep digging, keep looking, keep listening and keep loving.

Peace and anagrams, its a clue!

DJ Rules

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